Ps. 55:19 “. . .Because they do not change, Therefore they fear not God.”
Change is inherent in life. Look in a mirror, and your reflection is change in process. No matter how many facelifts, cosmetics, vitamins and “miracle” herbs you consume, the aging process is not reversed and only nominally retarded. The multi-millions spent combating change is endemic of the human condition bent toward resisting change. Most people resist change because they feel comfortable with what is familiar--even if they know the condition they are in is not the best for them. Consider the person addicted to drugs, alcohol, pornography, or food. What about the one who continues in a destructive, violently abusive relationship or stays in a low-level job even though they are qualified for a higher position? Why is there such resistance to change?
Fear is the biggest obstacle to change. Fear of the unknown creates bondage to what is familiar to us. Fear also fuels hell’s attacks and opens the door to oppression and satanic bondage (Job 3:25). Fear is not of God (2 Tim. 1:7); we are to live by faith in His Word rather than being bound by present circumstances (Heb. 11:6).
It is understandable those who have never received Jesus Christ as Lord are bound by sin and fear; however, a large part of the body of Christ is under siege of fear as well. Symptoms of fear include timidity and lack of confidence in God’s Word. Frozen by fear, the church has cowered in the corner, afraid to take a stand and speak out for righteousness while demonic influence has flourished. Freedom demands responsibility. Irresponsible management of God’s resources is indicative of slothfulness or “slavery mentality”. Many who claim they would die to protect freedom and liberty to have God’s Word in this land, yet Bibles remain closed and dust covered.
Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (Jn. 8:31-32). The truth you know and experience brings freedom; however, ignorance, or lack of knowing truth, brings destruction and bondage (Hos. 4:6, Isa. 5: 13). Ignorance is Satan’s primary weapon against God’s people. Ignorance results in theft, death, and destruction (Jn.10:10).
The children of Israel spent over 400 years in the oppression of Egypt, meaning “a hemming in.” They cried for deliverance from their oppressors and God, through Moses, miraculously led them out of their slavery – as a type of our being freed from the bondage of sin through faith in Him. The Israelites were led into the wilderness experiencing miraculous provision and protection. The wilderness was not their final destination; Canaan (freedom) was their destiny; but to get to Canaan the Israelites had to go through the wilderness - a place of testing and “training for reigning.” Although the Israelites were physically led out of Egypt, they retained their “slave mentality” believing they had to rely on men (their slave masters) rather than walk by faith in God exclusively. Many Christians claim freedom in Christ, yet remain bound in the old “slave mentality” of bondage to the familiar, sin-conscious lifestyle of wilderness existence. Being led out of Egypt did not guarantee entry to the Promised Land, nor does receiving Jesus Christ as Lord assure freedom “in Christ”. The promises of Canaan and life in Christ are ours only after passing the requirements of the wilderness testing.
Jesus faced and passed His wilderness test and gave us an example of how to pass them. Matt. 4:1-11 details Jesus’ wilderness tests, which are common to all believers. The first test was temptation for self-gratification or lust of the flesh. The second test was temptation for fame or instant success (lust of the eyes).The third test was temptation for power and authority (pride of life). Jesus overcame each test using the Word and the accompanying anointing of the Word which provides self-discipline, integrity, and humility, qualifying wilderness travelers for eternal life in Christ. No shortcuts exist from Egypt to Canaan. Wilderness testing must be taken and passed by all who would walk in true freedom and authority in Christ.
Only the Truth of the Word of God and the anointing of Holy Spirit which comes through believing and acting on the Word (faith) can bring freedom. The wilderness is where faith and accompanying anointing destroy the yokes of bondage of “slavery mentality” in preparation for the spiritual warfare in the Promised Land (Isa. 10:27).
Only those who have been made free by Truth can be used by God. These will have presented themselves as living sacrifices, denying the temporal pleasures and doctrines of the world, and have their minds renewed by the Word (Rom. 12:1, 2). They will have been crucified with Christ, yet made alive in the Spirit of God (Gal. 2:20) to do the same works and even greater works than Jesus did (Jn. 14:12), demonstrating absolute confidence in their partnership with the Lord Jesus Christ (Mk. 11:22-24). Bondage to the familiar that has paralyzed the church will be destroyed only to the degree that we apply truth to Satan’s web of deceit which keeps us bound. Only an anointed Word will proclaim liberty to the captives and set at liberty those who are oppressed (Lk. 4:18). And it is the anointed Word that makes us free to walk in faith (Rom. 10:17). Amen.
Change is inherent in life. Look in a mirror, and your reflection is change in process. No matter how many facelifts, cosmetics, vitamins and “miracle” herbs you consume, the aging process is not reversed and only nominally retarded. The multi-millions spent combating change is endemic of the human condition bent toward resisting change. Most people resist change because they feel comfortable with what is familiar--even if they know the condition they are in is not the best for them. Consider the person addicted to drugs, alcohol, pornography, or food. What about the one who continues in a destructive, violently abusive relationship or stays in a low-level job even though they are qualified for a higher position? Why is there such resistance to change?
Fear is the biggest obstacle to change. Fear of the unknown creates bondage to what is familiar to us. Fear also fuels hell’s attacks and opens the door to oppression and satanic bondage (Job 3:25). Fear is not of God (2 Tim. 1:7); we are to live by faith in His Word rather than being bound by present circumstances (Heb. 11:6).
It is understandable those who have never received Jesus Christ as Lord are bound by sin and fear; however, a large part of the body of Christ is under siege of fear as well. Symptoms of fear include timidity and lack of confidence in God’s Word. Frozen by fear, the church has cowered in the corner, afraid to take a stand and speak out for righteousness while demonic influence has flourished. Freedom demands responsibility. Irresponsible management of God’s resources is indicative of slothfulness or “slavery mentality”. Many who claim they would die to protect freedom and liberty to have God’s Word in this land, yet Bibles remain closed and dust covered.
Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (Jn. 8:31-32). The truth you know and experience brings freedom; however, ignorance, or lack of knowing truth, brings destruction and bondage (Hos. 4:6, Isa. 5: 13). Ignorance is Satan’s primary weapon against God’s people. Ignorance results in theft, death, and destruction (Jn.10:10).
The children of Israel spent over 400 years in the oppression of Egypt, meaning “a hemming in.” They cried for deliverance from their oppressors and God, through Moses, miraculously led them out of their slavery – as a type of our being freed from the bondage of sin through faith in Him. The Israelites were led into the wilderness experiencing miraculous provision and protection. The wilderness was not their final destination; Canaan (freedom) was their destiny; but to get to Canaan the Israelites had to go through the wilderness - a place of testing and “training for reigning.” Although the Israelites were physically led out of Egypt, they retained their “slave mentality” believing they had to rely on men (their slave masters) rather than walk by faith in God exclusively. Many Christians claim freedom in Christ, yet remain bound in the old “slave mentality” of bondage to the familiar, sin-conscious lifestyle of wilderness existence. Being led out of Egypt did not guarantee entry to the Promised Land, nor does receiving Jesus Christ as Lord assure freedom “in Christ”. The promises of Canaan and life in Christ are ours only after passing the requirements of the wilderness testing.
Jesus faced and passed His wilderness test and gave us an example of how to pass them. Matt. 4:1-11 details Jesus’ wilderness tests, which are common to all believers. The first test was temptation for self-gratification or lust of the flesh. The second test was temptation for fame or instant success (lust of the eyes).The third test was temptation for power and authority (pride of life). Jesus overcame each test using the Word and the accompanying anointing of the Word which provides self-discipline, integrity, and humility, qualifying wilderness travelers for eternal life in Christ. No shortcuts exist from Egypt to Canaan. Wilderness testing must be taken and passed by all who would walk in true freedom and authority in Christ.
Only the Truth of the Word of God and the anointing of Holy Spirit which comes through believing and acting on the Word (faith) can bring freedom. The wilderness is where faith and accompanying anointing destroy the yokes of bondage of “slavery mentality” in preparation for the spiritual warfare in the Promised Land (Isa. 10:27).
Only those who have been made free by Truth can be used by God. These will have presented themselves as living sacrifices, denying the temporal pleasures and doctrines of the world, and have their minds renewed by the Word (Rom. 12:1, 2). They will have been crucified with Christ, yet made alive in the Spirit of God (Gal. 2:20) to do the same works and even greater works than Jesus did (Jn. 14:12), demonstrating absolute confidence in their partnership with the Lord Jesus Christ (Mk. 11:22-24). Bondage to the familiar that has paralyzed the church will be destroyed only to the degree that we apply truth to Satan’s web of deceit which keeps us bound. Only an anointed Word will proclaim liberty to the captives and set at liberty those who are oppressed (Lk. 4:18). And it is the anointed Word that makes us free to walk in faith (Rom. 10:17). Amen.