John 1:1, 14: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . .And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
Jesus was the firstborn of a new species of being. Jesus, the Word made flesh, was manifested as a result of a divine encounter between the angel Gabriel and a young virgin, Mary. Gabriel spoke the anointed Word of God, which had already been prophetically decreed into earth by men of God creating an atmosphere of spiritual fertility; Mary heard, believed and conceived this Word, then birthed the Word in a lowly stable in the Judean village of Bethlehem (Lk. 1 and 2).
Gabriel informed Mary of the anointed Word’s power in Lk. 1:37, “For with God nothing (literally meaning no word) will be impossible.” The virgin birth of Jesus was the door through which God entered humanity (Jn. 10:1-9). Jesus, the Word made flesh, was the “firstborn among many brethren” (Rom. 8:29). Paul indicated Jesus was the first Word made flesh meaning others would become the Word made flesh as well. This becomes possible through the new birth and our being made new creations in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).
With infilling of Holy Spirit, the Word Himself is manifested in our lives. The ability and character of the Word reside in us through Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:4-11; Gal. 5:22-23). The potential of becoming one with the Lord is the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer in Jn.17:20. As prophesied, the Word of God released in the earth will not return empty but will accomplish its desired purpose, even prospering its results (Isa. 55:11). We become the Word made flesh as we live out life in the Kingdom of God which is within us (Lk. 17:20, 21).
As we renew our minds through the written Word, a transformation occurs in our lives. What was once only correct Bible doctrine now becomes living and vital reality as the Word travels from the written page through our souls (mind, emotions, intellect, and will) and settles in our hearts becoming a part of our nature. The Word expands within us as new dimensions of understanding unfold, and our love for the living Word Himself deepens within. Our Bible study changes from our being a scriptural tourist seeing only the highlights and obvious tourist attractions popular with our favorite tour guide to becoming an explorer of scriptures being supernaturally led by the illumination of Holy Spirit as He reveals deeper treasures of wisdom and understanding not found by the casual observer. Tourists may gain bits of information that may be beneficial if they play Trivial Pursuit, but they will rarely experience profound change in their lives. Paul wrote that head knowledge only inflates our pride (I Cor. 8:1), but love builds us up.
As people move through different stages of salvation from justification (redemption of our spirits) to sanctification (the continuing process of renewing our minds and being transformed into Christ’s image), a new, fresh excitement concerning what was once only the mystery of God’s will emerges. It now becomes an open road map into new horizons of possibility and destiny in Christ as discovery of dual realm authority becomes manifested. Jesus lived and continues to live through Holy Spirit in both the Spirit and natural realm. Holy Spirit is the Bridge between the visible and invisible placing believers in both realms with supernatural ability to take spiritual substance, transport it to the natural realm, and create physical manifestations. Jesus’ earthly ministry clearly demonstrated this supernatural ability, and He told His disciples they could do likewise (Jn. 14:12). The anointing (power of Holy Spirit) supernaturally enables us to extract spiritual substance and transport God’s reality into the visible, natural realm.
Paul wrote that the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Christ (the anointing) (2 Cor. 1:20). Through faith in God and the Word made flesh in us through Holy Spirit, we transport God’s promises which have already been established in the Spirit realm by speaking the Word of faith into the problem. A word of faith released into the visible realm is an irresistible force that will accomplish God’s will (Job 22:23; Isa. 55:11). The Word of God is incorruptible seed (I Pet. 1:23; Mal. 4:14). When this “Seed” is sown into the fertile ground of a believing heart, it produces a harvest amounting to 30, 60 and 100 fold the amount sown. Just as the natural process for seeds to germinate, sprout, bud, and then yield fruit, a similar process occurs whereby spiritual seed (spoken Word of faith) is planted, then sprouts, buds, blooms, and produces its desired results (Num. 17:8; Mk. 4:26-28).
I believe we are on the threshold of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit ever known on earth. Many reading this will find their spirits confirming this statement. The world is ripe for harvest. Multitudes are yearning for truth, and the evidence of Almighty God performing miraculous acts through His people. The counterfeit, hype, and outright fraud and deceitfulness of pretenders and cults will be exposed. Those having a form of godliness but denying the power of God will be ignored (2 Tim. 3:5).This move of God will cross and even bring down many denominational barriers that have segregated and separated the body of Christ into armed camps. New leadership will arise who will truly understand servant-hood, son-ship, partnership and sacrifice. They will experience great persecution from modern Pharisees who will be threatened by this move of God they do not understand.
The coming harvest will reap all that has been sown, both good and evil. Matt. 13:24-30, 37-43 describes the harvest in the parable of the tares where tares are removed first. Peter spoke that judgment begins in God’s house (I Pet. 4:17).The shaking described in Heb. 12:27 has begun and will intensify along with fiery trials (I Pet. 4:12; I Cor. 3:12-13) which will burn until wood, hay, and stubble of our lives are consumed and we have been thoroughly refined for the Master’s use. Those who refuse to change (Ps. 55:19) will suffer loss. The only true security will be in Jesus Christ who is our source of abundant life (Jn. 10:10). This will be a time when the power of God and the enemy’s deceitfulness will both be released in an incredible outpouring. Millions will come to know Christ, and many will lose their lives because of the coming persecution of the true body of Christ.
We are in the hour when every believer must become the Word made flesh. Christians must demonstrate their supernatural ability to walk in faith and love as dual realm people converting spiritual substance to natural reality. Resulting miracles will be “signs” which point to the living God and will create platforms for millions to be converted into the Kingdom. The time is ripe for your purpose and destiny to shine forth in this hour. The “Christ in us” will not remain hidden but will shine through and flavor every word spoken and action taken for His glory. If you won’t be used by God to influence those around you, then who will be used? If not now, when God is clearly moving in the earth, then when? Consider your response carefully; your future and others’ depend on it. Amen.
Jesus was the firstborn of a new species of being. Jesus, the Word made flesh, was manifested as a result of a divine encounter between the angel Gabriel and a young virgin, Mary. Gabriel spoke the anointed Word of God, which had already been prophetically decreed into earth by men of God creating an atmosphere of spiritual fertility; Mary heard, believed and conceived this Word, then birthed the Word in a lowly stable in the Judean village of Bethlehem (Lk. 1 and 2).
Gabriel informed Mary of the anointed Word’s power in Lk. 1:37, “For with God nothing (literally meaning no word) will be impossible.” The virgin birth of Jesus was the door through which God entered humanity (Jn. 10:1-9). Jesus, the Word made flesh, was the “firstborn among many brethren” (Rom. 8:29). Paul indicated Jesus was the first Word made flesh meaning others would become the Word made flesh as well. This becomes possible through the new birth and our being made new creations in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).
With infilling of Holy Spirit, the Word Himself is manifested in our lives. The ability and character of the Word reside in us through Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:4-11; Gal. 5:22-23). The potential of becoming one with the Lord is the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer in Jn.17:20. As prophesied, the Word of God released in the earth will not return empty but will accomplish its desired purpose, even prospering its results (Isa. 55:11). We become the Word made flesh as we live out life in the Kingdom of God which is within us (Lk. 17:20, 21).
As we renew our minds through the written Word, a transformation occurs in our lives. What was once only correct Bible doctrine now becomes living and vital reality as the Word travels from the written page through our souls (mind, emotions, intellect, and will) and settles in our hearts becoming a part of our nature. The Word expands within us as new dimensions of understanding unfold, and our love for the living Word Himself deepens within. Our Bible study changes from our being a scriptural tourist seeing only the highlights and obvious tourist attractions popular with our favorite tour guide to becoming an explorer of scriptures being supernaturally led by the illumination of Holy Spirit as He reveals deeper treasures of wisdom and understanding not found by the casual observer. Tourists may gain bits of information that may be beneficial if they play Trivial Pursuit, but they will rarely experience profound change in their lives. Paul wrote that head knowledge only inflates our pride (I Cor. 8:1), but love builds us up.
As people move through different stages of salvation from justification (redemption of our spirits) to sanctification (the continuing process of renewing our minds and being transformed into Christ’s image), a new, fresh excitement concerning what was once only the mystery of God’s will emerges. It now becomes an open road map into new horizons of possibility and destiny in Christ as discovery of dual realm authority becomes manifested. Jesus lived and continues to live through Holy Spirit in both the Spirit and natural realm. Holy Spirit is the Bridge between the visible and invisible placing believers in both realms with supernatural ability to take spiritual substance, transport it to the natural realm, and create physical manifestations. Jesus’ earthly ministry clearly demonstrated this supernatural ability, and He told His disciples they could do likewise (Jn. 14:12). The anointing (power of Holy Spirit) supernaturally enables us to extract spiritual substance and transport God’s reality into the visible, natural realm.
Paul wrote that the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Christ (the anointing) (2 Cor. 1:20). Through faith in God and the Word made flesh in us through Holy Spirit, we transport God’s promises which have already been established in the Spirit realm by speaking the Word of faith into the problem. A word of faith released into the visible realm is an irresistible force that will accomplish God’s will (Job 22:23; Isa. 55:11). The Word of God is incorruptible seed (I Pet. 1:23; Mal. 4:14). When this “Seed” is sown into the fertile ground of a believing heart, it produces a harvest amounting to 30, 60 and 100 fold the amount sown. Just as the natural process for seeds to germinate, sprout, bud, and then yield fruit, a similar process occurs whereby spiritual seed (spoken Word of faith) is planted, then sprouts, buds, blooms, and produces its desired results (Num. 17:8; Mk. 4:26-28).
I believe we are on the threshold of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit ever known on earth. Many reading this will find their spirits confirming this statement. The world is ripe for harvest. Multitudes are yearning for truth, and the evidence of Almighty God performing miraculous acts through His people. The counterfeit, hype, and outright fraud and deceitfulness of pretenders and cults will be exposed. Those having a form of godliness but denying the power of God will be ignored (2 Tim. 3:5).This move of God will cross and even bring down many denominational barriers that have segregated and separated the body of Christ into armed camps. New leadership will arise who will truly understand servant-hood, son-ship, partnership and sacrifice. They will experience great persecution from modern Pharisees who will be threatened by this move of God they do not understand.
The coming harvest will reap all that has been sown, both good and evil. Matt. 13:24-30, 37-43 describes the harvest in the parable of the tares where tares are removed first. Peter spoke that judgment begins in God’s house (I Pet. 4:17).The shaking described in Heb. 12:27 has begun and will intensify along with fiery trials (I Pet. 4:12; I Cor. 3:12-13) which will burn until wood, hay, and stubble of our lives are consumed and we have been thoroughly refined for the Master’s use. Those who refuse to change (Ps. 55:19) will suffer loss. The only true security will be in Jesus Christ who is our source of abundant life (Jn. 10:10). This will be a time when the power of God and the enemy’s deceitfulness will both be released in an incredible outpouring. Millions will come to know Christ, and many will lose their lives because of the coming persecution of the true body of Christ.
We are in the hour when every believer must become the Word made flesh. Christians must demonstrate their supernatural ability to walk in faith and love as dual realm people converting spiritual substance to natural reality. Resulting miracles will be “signs” which point to the living God and will create platforms for millions to be converted into the Kingdom. The time is ripe for your purpose and destiny to shine forth in this hour. The “Christ in us” will not remain hidden but will shine through and flavor every word spoken and action taken for His glory. If you won’t be used by God to influence those around you, then who will be used? If not now, when God is clearly moving in the earth, then when? Consider your response carefully; your future and others’ depend on it. Amen.